torsdag 16 augusti 2012

Tate Modern

I went to Tate Modern in order to watch the much talked about, Damien Hirst, exhibition. Once there I found out it costed a fortune (with my limited budget anyway) to get in. BUT I did get to see some cool stuff without paying so the visit was definitely worth the while.

How can art change society? Click to enlarge.

 St. Pauls Cathedral 
The Olympic rings hanging down from Tower bridge

The Olympics

We did not manage to get affordable tickets to the live games but we did go to Hyde Park to watch the games on the big screens. It was truly a festival feel at the park, a really good hang out. 

We saw the Handball finale (or at least the last 20 minutes, stupid brits who doesn't care about the handball!) with a bunch of other Swedes and French people who had gathered in Victoria Park. LOVE how sports unite people.

Good morning

Walked to work the other day, which takes approximately 45 minutes. Ended up being 20 minutes early so I treated myself a freshly squeezed orange juice in the sun in a park close by. 

söndag 12 augusti 2012

Floating market

Regent's Canal, Mile End park, mile end station, olympics 2012, london olympics, london 2012 festival, olympics celebration, floating market, vintage frocks, market merchants, homemade cakes, ready food, hats, handicrafts, london markets
 On our way to Victoria Park to watch the olympics, we accidentaly came across this beautiful floating market on the Regent's canal. It is hosted at Regent´s canal until 16th of august and will the re-locate to little venice for the paralympics. We did not have that much time to enjoy it but i will defenitely want to go there again. Probably this week if the weather allows for it.

Regent's Canal, Mile End park, mile end station, olympics 2012, london olympics, london 2012 festival, olympics celebration, floating market, vintage frocks, ready food, hats, handicrafts, london markets

fredag 10 augusti 2012

Hire me

Check out my new resume and give me feedback please. this will hopefully be my golden ticket to my dream job. well.. guess that is left to see. Click on the link below.

onsdag 8 augusti 2012

Weekly update: food porn, Alex & festivity

Lovely Greta played with her band, Ma-trio, at Cable Café just around the corner from where we live. The place was crowded and the music was awesome. They mix ukulele with marimba and a proper old school  bass. 


Alex arrived Thursday and we went to Grand Union in Brixton.


Friday Alex got MIA on us, due to a water leakage in her bag that ruined her iphone, which made her extremely analogue and impossible to get hold of. However, me and Pernilla chilled at the area around covent garden with Irish coffee and fried calamaris with chili aioli. Alex was found by the way.


Alex was well prepared for her first London visit and took us to Camden. 


Saturday evening we ended up at The Dolphin again. It is the absolute best place in London so far, located in Hackney. Before we headed out we went on Olympic pre-drinks and ping pong tournament at our new found friend Rob's house with his French friend Toma. 


Sunday was all about food. Alex cooked us amazing chicken roast, buttered with garlic and parsley and served with sweet potato mash and gravy. Best London meal, that is for sure. 


Organic cookies and vegetable chips for dessert.

Watched the 100 meter finale, OF COURSE.


Today we went to Tiki House in Camden where they have created a beach on the roof top of a building. It was amazing, we even got a bit of sun! It is really a place to recommend. A really mixed crowd but the venue was lovely. (the cocktail is virgin by the way.. no alcohol on tuesdays)

 And for the record... we miss friends and family back home.
Caroline & Pernilla

tisdag 7 augusti 2012

A kinder egg?

I went to this interview the other day at a travel company. The marketing director who held the interview was super nice and I think we got along very well. The interview was very informal, we had a coffee at a café, although it lasted for approx 1,5 hours.

However I do believe I get a bit too comfortable during interviews and I don't really get my professional act on. So.. hmm. How should I put it?! When he asked me to describe myself as a brand I chose "a kinder egg, full of suprises". Really? REALLY?! So I panicked and told him that a kinder egg could not be my answer but "now I could only think about kinder eggs". So, I then asked him if I could e-mail him my answer once I had found the perfect match.

One hour later I sent him an e-mail describing myself as a Post-it. Colourful, organised, reliable and fun. I got the reply "great answer!" Haha. I do hope he remembers more than the Kinder egg accident when deciding on whether I get the job or not. Fingers crossed people.


torsdag 2 augusti 2012


So, update on my work situation.

After three weeks of mostly boring work I am finally starting to do the things I have actually prepared myself for the last 4 years at uni. I am scanning social media and planning the company's online marketing strategy. Twitter strategy, blogging strategy, coordinating the two and writing press releases and so on.. how to go about social media and content management. It is actually super fun. Or every other day. I feel kind of schizofrenic. One day I am super excited, filled with energy and creativity and deliver crazy loads of great work. Other days I doubt myself, feel underqualified and think of myself as the most uncreative person on earth. So.. hmm... fifty fifty but it is a good experience.

Loads of post its are being used at office. LOADS,

I am applying for jobs here in London and I am actually going to an interview Monday for a position as marketing assistant. Fingers crossed everyone. I really have started fo fall in love with this city so I would love to be able to stay here on a more permanent note.

Will love Kate.
I love post its.